Saturday, 21 December 2013 understand each other we must share.

I am still dealing with an interfaith issue with my family and have come to a point where my beliefs are being pitted against another's. I'm kinda proud that I haven't retaliated the way I would like too hahaha but still, life is always a work in progress aye.

Any who this is my video about how I am feeling about it and how it is making me evaluate how it means to me to celebrate Alban Arthuan (Yule) I am so proud to be me and part of this tribe.

Blessed Be guys


Friday, 13 December 2013

I am me and who are you??

Just to clarify some thing and make a point I think. We need to be compassionate and let love transcend ignorance. I have done loads of magick lately, I have been working on doing my Druid training since I came back from Glastonbury and then after spending a few days in the real world haha. I got drained from all the mundane an bit and now it has left me reeling so to speak. Anyway here is video about how my embracing my faith to regain my strength has been labelled as wrong.

Hope you like guys :D

PS sorry for the rustling haha I must remember not to move the screen while I am recording haha

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The mash up

After an adventure I wanted to talk to you guys. :D

I have been to Glastonbury for a meeting of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. They all made me feel so welcome and although I didn't agree with some of the things said and at times the information went a bit over my head, the points to the talks didn't. We need to embrace what we have around us, our lives or our hearts and we need to love it.

I hope you understood what I was meant to say haha. I did kinda deviate a bit before I actually made my point. I hope that with the experience I get from doing these videos I can actually get in to talking about some good ole magickal practise with you guys.

Lots of love always
Kai (Clinton)