I love the idea of spirit familiars in much the same way as I like the idea of spirit guides. I think they are there to help, guide and assist you when your in need of a bit of companionship within the craft (well, companionship that doesn't require a human). There are lots of people out there who are scared of said familiars and would describe them as demonic or parasitic but this raises the question with me. If there is such thing as parasites within Magick then which way is it.........are they being parasitic or in fact is it us? Are we infact the parasites that entice spirits to aid us and then call upon them willy nilly expecting the same level of assistance from a spiritual entity when infact they probably have issues of their own. Again this probably depends entirely on you and your relationship with said familiar :D.
For example an elementary created by you to aid you in your work would not have anything better to do and that is simply because you are all it knows, and quite rightly so :/ . Imagine if all of a sudden all the elementaries in the world took an instant attraction to sausages......... Funny image maybe but it could prove problematic if you replace the word sausage with something more sinister. Elementaries are created for 1 purpose so that this CA'NT happen (although........ You may wanna watch out for sausages hahahahahahaha).
Familiar spirits however are more intuative and intelligent than something that has been created for a single purpose. More often than not they will come to you, or be with your from birth, but some of us are in positions in life where we come in to contact with a different spirit and become connected with them. This exact thing happened to me just over a year ago when I was experimenting with and studying faery Magick. However that's a different story that will come up sooner or later I'm sure :P.
I think the key to working with a familiar spirit is to focus on your ability to listen and understand each other, the more connect you are to the world around you and the more in tune you are the easier it will be to have that connection with a familiar.