Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Rain and shine

So summer is here in the UK and is its usual mix of sunny baking hot days and dull drizzly showers, but if I'm honest with you |I love it. Its an opportunity to go somewhere and experience the great outdoors or to crawl up and shelter with friends and family in familiar surroundings watching the water hit the windows.

This weekend just past saw a ritual and picnic on the northern beaches of Norfolk in a place called Heacham. A wonderful day spent with my friends (and grove family) enjoying the wonderful beach and (when we arrived, very very distant) sea. We visited for a ritual on the sands with papers and props at the ready but as England does......the heavens opened and we were doused in a perpetual drizzle. So as you do we just....................sat there!! We sat in the rain and had a very enjoyable picnic. I must admit it was probably one of the best ones that we have ever managed to fumble together. There was everything you could think of and it was marvellous.

When we arrived we strode out on to a beach that seemed to go on for days, the sea was at low tide and was miles out. It took us a good half an hour to walk out and meet it but in good grovie fashion we decided that we would continue to walk for another 20 minutes. As the sea stretched out further and further it never reached higher than any of our knees and it was silent and still, almost eerie in its own way. There was a sense that no matter how confident we felt about our safety, we were in a place that we didn't truly belong. This was a realm with a power that we weren't accustomed to and that power sank in to every pore.

However it wasn't long before we realised we had gone out maybe too far and headed back, quickly re-joining our party on the drizzly beach. I must have eaten my weight in junk food sat there laughing and joking. Making innuendo after innuendo and waiting for the sea to meet us a bit further up the beach.

It took a while but surely enough the water was lapping closer and closer to the dry (well dryish) sand. We took our items, our offerings, and our papers and drew a circle in the sand to mark out the boundary. The quarters were called and the herald declared our purpose, then it was time for the Priest and Priestess to commune with the water of the sea and ask for the blessings of the Lord and Lady.

Me and my companion strode in to the water and offered up a posy of flowers to the sea..........Quickly they were strewn from the glass vase and swallowed by the water, the priestess dipped her large shell in to the sea and prayed for blessings before we turned to beckon forth our comrades to the water.

I was pleasantly surprised (not in a bad way mind you) just get a sense sometimes that we treat the gods and the world like a supernatural vending machine. It's easy to get trapped in this mind set of only asking for things from your gods and never sharing it.......but on this occasion. I am so glad this wasn't the case. These wonderful people who travelled all the way to the beach, packed food and drink to share, simply held out their hands to receive the waters blessing, a blessing that by all intent and purpose had been paid for and all of them had others on their mind.

They decided to share this moment across the ether to the people they love, to transfer this blessing, paid for with offerings and effort to people that they deemed worthy of the seas power. This is the blessing that I received.....I was blessed by being humbled, I stood waiting (with no expectation other than an acknowledged trend) and was greeted by people who wanted better.........better for others in their lives. Better for family, for friends, for a shared happiness in those that they cared for.

In the end our tummy's were full, the waters were warm and the blessings were received. But when all was done we left without a trace. Nothing but the flowers of our offering bobbing in the water as a sign that the gods had come to the sea and given their gifts to those that sang their song of praise.

I hope that the blessings we asked for are paid to those who deserve them in full. That we continue to look at our craft and magick as a way of improving this world we live in. I know I need to look at how I perceive those around me, kindness and generosity they say is its own reward and that's where I was blessed.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

The Spirit Familiar

So here we are, looking at a title and thinking...."oooo this looks like fun" and you know what, it is!

I have been a practitioner of magick for over 15 years and in that time I have found a real affinity for working with the spirits of the natural and other world. In that I mean those spirits that are inherent in the world around and also apart from us, from simple elementals to faerie nobles. Now I'm not saying that I have always been a whiz at this or that I am an expert but with that said. Experience I think speaks to its self............

So lets talk about it shall we hehehe.

The spirit familiar by its definition (which you can easily find online) is a spirit that works to aid or complete tasks that are set by the witch (magickal practitioner). A spirit familiar is denoted by the fact that it is exactly that..........a spirit. It may appear in many forms, most often it will be that of an animal but it can also be more sinister of benevolent looking depending on the spirit or the person with whom it has its relationship.

Witches particularly were thought to commune with their familiars and gain their aid through bargains with demons or the devil himself, however..........I myself know that this is certainly not your only choice in contacting a familiar haha. The spirits of the elemental plane for example can make amazing and perfectly helpful spiritual familiars. The key of course to all of this is the word FAMILIAR!!!! Now if you look at entities like guardian spirits, ancestors, or spirit guides its important to note their familiarity with us, for our ancestors it is our shared bond of blood or society that bridges the gap and makes us familiar with them. If you look at spirit guides or guardian spirits it is the bonds of guardianship or contractual/magickal agreements that bridges the gap of familiarity.

However for a bog standard familiar spirit  like again an elemental or the faerie who visits me frequently during meditations (often to my own frustrations as he seldom arrives for any other reason than to scold me although, we have had the occasional dance on the grass) the familiarity and relationship must be created and worked on. You wont be able to have automatic access to any familiar you choose, it takes work and effort! Work and effort that yields reward based on the amount of effort and work that you put in to the relationship.

For example in my astral grove (a place that I visit and maintain in meditation frequently) a boar spirit visits and guides me during meditations and journeys through the astral. He has been my animal spirit familiar for a long time and I have created a relationship with him that I nurture every time I visit my grove. He however stays in my astral workings and rarely if ever works with me on the physical realm. This is because I have not created a conduit or portal for him to work through..............So yes I said conduit!

So putting it bluntly a spirit familiar needs a place to live, whether that be a piece of magickal jewellery, special shrine, or an animal skull. From this conduit/portal it will work with you and you can develop a relationship wit it. The conduit/portal should be what you use to build your relationship, it will be where or what you make your libations (offerings) to and you will use it  to instruct your familiar. For example in the Boscastle Museum of Witchcraft and Magick there is a toad called Fred which was a spirit familiar for a witch in the 1920s. Fred resided in the body of this toad and was much like my boar, an animal spirit and familiar of that witch who worked with him (I say him.....but familiars choose odd names and there is no guarantee Fred was a bloke).

The idea over all is that spirit comes to the totem, shrine, or amulet you have made in to a conduit to be communed and worked with, but is then free to move about and complete the task that it has been asked to. For example a dried toad may be kept to hold the spirit (called Fred for example) and in times of action the spirit is invoked to go about its masters bidding and complete its given task. Returning to the dried remains when its task is complete. Working with a spirit familiar is not for the light hearted or the inexperienced.

This magick which has very deep roots in folk lore, and folk magick is full of room for experimentation and of course error. but bear in mind when I say error, I mean to advise that with all the best intentions this sort of magick yields very varied results. Its power is certain and effective and when applied properly you can gain allies in every world out there. But be warned that all spirits have a personality just like you and me so you can never escape the reality that............... Even spirits can be arseholes and wont always do as they are asked.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019


Daily adorations are one of the few constants outside of the seasonal and lunar cycles that I commit to doing regularly. Some days it is harder than others and some days it truly feels like a chore but its always worth it when I do it.

I worship 2 gods upon my altar who are Elen and Herne, They have been my patrons ever since I began to really take my druidry seriously. They are deeply tied to the powers of the land and I really love the tales that are told of both of them. Although their origins aren't like those of the ancient Greek or Egyptian deities there is no reason for me to doubt them or the blessings they bestow upon my life and the lives of those around me.

So every single day I open the powers of my shrine with the lighting of a candle and I evoke the awen, I address the spirit of that light and then I pray..............for everything.......for anything.........and sometimes for nothing. At times all I want to do is tell the god and goddess that I love them and want them to be with me. I then offer to my ancestors and the gods before completing the adoration. Every time I perform this ritual of adoration I find a moment of peace, of solace, of clarity, and it pulls me closer to the gods (or them closer to me, I'm not sure which)......The point is, although some days I can't wait to get to the end of the day and commune with my lord and lady and other days I have to drag myself from my bed with heavy limbs, it's positives far outweigh the negatives.

I have been sharing this dedication with a friend of mine who of course has her own set of magickal needs and expectations. For example she performs hers every morning as a pose to me doing it in the evening, she lights 3 candles on her altar to represent each ray of the awen, where I only use the one. I also pray to deities that she doesn't, but the same rings true for her as it does for me.......Every single day there is a moment that is hers, that is based on her own terms which rewards her in a way that only that moment can. We take that moment every day as sacred and to acknowledge the divine in the world, in the other world, or in the cosmos..........then in that exact same moment it acknowledges us.

Something amazing I heard on a documentary that I watched about astronomy and stars says much the same thing about how amazing it feels to connect with things that are so much bigger than you are.........."Stars are millions, billions, or trillions of light years away and we will never be able to go to those starts in our lifetimes to ever touch them, but every night when you go out under the night sky you are caressed by the very light of those same stars that are so far away. You may not be able to touch them but from so far away, a beautiful powerful vibrant and immense force is in that moment.......touching you.

That is how I feel when I do my adoration every evening, in that moment when I sit in front of my shrine the gods look back at me in love and smile back. No matter how you do it or who its too I urge you to try something.....anything.....every day. Who knows, you might feel the light of the gods shine on you too.

My home shrine that I use for my daily adorations.