Anyway, things are as they seem to be but I'm here and I'm happy so it's time to write to you all and let you all know the new stuff that is going on in my life :D. I have finally finished my bardic grade within OBOD and am now working towards the ovate grade of the course :D...........gimme another 2 years and I will be an all powerful DRUID!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Plus I have finally finished a college course in beauty so now it's job search time.........hmmmm that sound like fun (sarcasm is great).
Anyway :D I have decided that with the end of my bardic grade (which was far more fun) that maybe I should do something. I'm not going to get a certificate or letter of commendation or anything like that so I have taken it upon myself to have a Barding :P.............let's be clear about this........a Barding is a party where I get celebrated as being awesome :D .......simply because my ego is just simply not big enough already hahahahahaha.
So anyway I have taken it upon myself to have this party of Clinton is awesome and invite lots of people to come and give me compliments on my awesomeness. However I am vexed..........simply.... vexed. I have never heard of a Barding before and have no idea what one would include let alone who came up with the idea (I'm betting it's me :P). Would there be ritual? Would there be prayer? Is it just going to end up being a booze up with disco music? I have no idea.
If I'm really honest with you I may just take everyone for a great big picnic with a bottle of champers to celebrate the move up to the next grade :D that sounds quite nice actually now I think about it :D.
I'm so exited to have a party and just piss about with my friends and family but I'm also concerned because my path in Druidry and the craft has created complications in my relationships with family. My faith is a massive part of my life and all in all they have kinda sworn off having anything to do with that part of me (which if I'm honest makes conversations difficult as it's all I want to talk about hahahaha). So what do I do about including family in my life when they seem to not want any part of it. Do I invite them anyway and just expect the declines or should I just ignore them al together and just not invite them and get a back log of complaints from those members who would have actually enjoyed the opertunity to come along. Ahhhhh........vexed again!!!!!!
I'm meeting up with my grandma tomorrow morning to have a catch up since my dad's passing and I'm gonna talk to her about it, which I'm sure will be really awkward but mehh. The thing I want the most is to know my family and be confident that they also know me.......all of me.......warts and all.
Anyway wish me luck, I miss posting on here and I need to start doing it again as you all seemed so interested in my rantings and ravings hahahahahaha. Cya laters my beauties and wish me luck.
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