The world moves and we move, everything is fluid and motion or fire and energy but then we are still from time to time. That is where you see the most amazing things. It is in the pauses that we get the chance to put together all the things that we have watched move and it is in those moments of still contemplation where you can see all the things you've missed.
Talking with my good friend and lover Nuinn I was amazed at how he saw the world, how he felt the motion of everything and nothing all at the same time. It was awesome because it was so different to how I felt and saw things. As he put it, he is fire and I am water.
During a Tai Chi lesson we got to practise a technique called sticky hands. The idea is to get a sense of the energy flow that occurs in your body when you move. I love it but I do something that the others don't. I'm still............
It struck me as weird that the others explained that being so still is not allowing the energy to flow and that you need to move your body to let it flow, but I think the main reason that I'm still is that I'm just feeling. It's hard to explain without knowing more about the practise of Tai Chi. But anyway In that stillness I find that with my eyes closed I can feel and create a mental picture of what my energy is doing, where it is centred, what the other person is doing and how they are going to move (not that I have got the relevant skill yet to do anything with that in formation).
But there are moments with my energy like when water is still, that I can change my flow and then the rest of my body reacts and changes the energy so it knocks the other person off balance. This (as I have found out) is not the point if sticky hands but still I enjoyed what it taught me in that moment. It taught me that I can be like water, still yet moving and then I can make my energy rise from my feet and swell like a wave. It was a self empowering moment of stillness that showed me what I can do when I relax and centre my energy.
Nuinn is as fire. He is a constant burn of flame that moves and flickers with each motion but he has learnt how to make that single candle flame burn away anything that comes to strike at his energy. After all it only takes a candle flame to burn down a whole house. His stillness has given him power and he does not need to expand his energy when the energy that he already has is enough. However I'm not saying he couldn't expand this flame and become a fire storm. But I suppose what would be the point of exhausting yourself so much when the single flame is enough.
Maybe this is the point...........If I am still water then I should just let the energy in, let the motion pass through me as if I'm water and then come out the other side. Its all about being the unseen and moving through the world faeries.
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