Thursday 14 November 2013

The power of ugly.

I am often being told about all those spirits and allies we have, Angels, Fae, Ancestors and elemental's and I must admit it is an awesome thought to think that there are all these beings out there that are awesome and wiling in some small way to help me out.

What strikes me as funny is that when people describe them they mention 2 things together that for me are a little narrow minded. That they are all beautiful and that there are many of them as different to each other as we humans are. So why the hell are they ALL beautiful? Now don't get me wrong, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all but we can all agree on some things that are ugly cant we? So why is it we only want to deal with the pretty spirits and elemental's? What about the ones that have fangs and sharp claws? The ones that are dribbling and shadowy. What about those spirits that are equally benevolent but down right scary and monstrous?

I have had many instances where I have been in the presence of some awesome spiritual guides that have come to help me in my times of trouble but what I can say with certainty is that the ones I gained the most from were the ones that were not only pretty but the ones that were down right ugly to me too. The ones that MADE me stand up and listen to what it was they were trying to teach me.

Strength, Courage, Focus, Will, all those things that keep us from falling under when the world takes a swing at our heads. Those are the things that we learn when we are feeling rock bottom. You would never learn to be courageous if there was never a need to be and that's the same with magick and the spiritual realms. Those monsters under your bed are not the bad are stronger than they are and all you need to do is believe it. 

In a situation a while back I was driving home from a friends house in the dark. It was late and I was going a good 15 miles to get home. Not a long journey but to be honest its not about how far you travel its about the journey you take. So there I was in the car and for some reason I decided to go down a country lane that I had not driven down in years. In fact ever, as this was the first time since getting my licence that I had needed to go this way. I was driving cautiously and being observant when I drove past some wood that held dark memories for me. A place that I had not been to in a while. Almost instantly I felt the fear in my belly begin to swell and I couldn't push out images that were flooding my mind. Images of dark thoughts, actions and monsters. Then I thought about the theory I had about monsters years ago. That they are just reflections of your feelings that are trying to encourage you to confront the issue. So I asked for my monster to sit in the back of the car with me. As I drove down the dark lonely road my shadowy monster of fear sat in the back with me..............................I was NOT AFRAID. Why would I be? He was my monster after all. He couldn't harm me because I created him. But I tell ya what, if anything had come out of that forest as I was driving by it would have eaten them alive. He's ugly like that.

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