Saturday 4 May 2013

Paths that cross and paths that don't.

I have been vexed of late. At a recent Reiki share I was very quiet and uncomfortable during the entire evening. I felt like I was constantly trying to gather my thoughts on the subjects that were being discussed and found that I was unable to keep up (very unlike me, chatter box that I am).

After a healing from a couple of the other members I seemed to find my voice and became fluent in English again ha ha. My thoughts were gathering on there own as they normally do and I was able to keep up. But I found that what I was talking about seemed to make the other members of the group a bit anxious. It was then I seemed to have a shocking revelation and needed to leave. I am in the wrong place. I politely left and decided that my time with the group has come to an end.

My Wiccan and Druid paths are taking on a journey that the Reiki group is unaccustomed to dealing with and I have found that my other paths that I find compliment my healing greatly are frowned upon by the group. This is where I find myself and also where I think it is time for me to leave. Reiki healing is still a very powerful and useful tool to have and for those who use it as a way of life I say go for it. But I have found that  it is not my way of life and in actual fact it at the end of the day is just a healing tool for me and nothing more than that.

I am going to miss my Reiki share's but at the end of the day I will not miss how the group makes me feel about my faith and how it makes me feel about my other magical gifts.

Goodbye and a fond fare well.

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