Friday 7 June 2013

Balance a new kind of independence.

For a very long time I was someone who would look to his books and try to figure out how to make his magickal practise personal, powerful and easy to do. Bot for such a long time i was falling flat on my face.

I'm so glad I did haha. My faltering has taught me a great deal about myself, others and magick in the world. It has been a great big up hill struggle until now but I finally feel an air of confidence in my magickal working that I never felt before and it's all because of balance. The whole idea being drilled in to my head revolves around the fact that without balance nothing can exist. Everything must work in harmony with something else for both to survive, Yin &Yang, Chaos & Cosmos, Cause & Effect.

Everything in this world is subject to the actions of what is around it.

But besides that, the wonderful thing is that my actions if planned can bring about awesome effects. My prayers can be heard and create effect's and the idea that a butterfly flapping it's wings in England could be the one gust in the whole atmosphere that moves the air just enough to trigger a storm in the Atlantic fascinates me.

I am a part of this huge system that responds to everything I do in kind. What energy I give out is equal to the effect that occurs so the more energy I move the bigger the occurrence.

How empowering is that.

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