Thursday 17 October 2013

Stepping on the first stone.

I have been on such a ride of emotion this past month or so. I have fallen out of love, fallen back in love, learnt about the passion of a mother, breathed life in to a new day and watched as people fall apart as things change around them. Through all of this I have learnt that no matter what you need to be able to move, you need to keep on walking and standing up right. You can't let the world spin under your feet and pull you under the flow.Nothing is all moves and shifts in directions that we will never be able to predict with just our intuition alone and thank god we can't. I would hate someone to ruin all my surprises all the time wouldn't you??

Magick has been the focus for me for a very long time but it has been hard to grasp how much of my life has been filled with it until now. I have come to understand that if you think magick is just for the odd occasion that you need something to move in your favour then you have not understood something very fundamental in how it seems to work.
I like that from time to time the world shifts and I stumble for a few day before finding my feet again because I always learn so much from that shift. But one thing I do make sure I do is that I don't try to stop myself from moving. The tides of magick, fate, god or whatever you believe are always on the move nothing stands still and that in it's self is beautiful to me.

I love to think that my life is like walking upon the ocean. I step forward when it is easy and time my steps with the surges and swells, the rising whales and the tortoise shells. I step when there is room to move and I never stop for the risk of falling under and not regaining my footing. It is never going to be easy to work in perfect balance with something as turbulent and constant as the ocean but I know that the more I try to move toward that idea of balance then the easier it will be to deal with the mundane things.

I just need to remember that if what I am walking across is never going to be still then neither can I. We all have to move with time and none of us can go backwards. Never give in to fear, never forget where you came from and always move with each step.

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