Monday 16 September 2013

Reeling on the inside

I wrote this blog as a series of my own experiences in spirituality and hoped that you would read it and be inspired to be more, be brave and to express yourself. There are times that make you realise that you can effect change in other people without realising it. I hope that with this blog, if I have effected change in your life then it has been for the better. The world moves in constant motion and at times it impossible to anticipate the things that may come from your actions no matter how small.We may all have different paths to follow, but at times they cross and we walk together in our lives, heart to heart and hand in hand. We walk in a place where if we just looked to the left or right we wouldn't feel so alone. I hope one day when I look to my side I can see all the people that appreciate this blog. You guys are few but you help me more than I could ever help you. Thank you for reading and don't stop now, I'm just getting started HAHA!

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