Thursday 1 August 2013

Mirror magick

How often have you done something and felt that you were right in every aspect?...............Go on........................... Think about it and then ask yourself. How many times afterword have you re-evaluated it and thought. "Why the hell did I do that??"

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling very confident and we can do so much with that confidence that at times we can be oblivious to the actual effects of our actions.
I was reminded lately of how people can take confidence and turn it in to arrogance, which is difficult to say because you run the risk of saying you are better than them yourself which can then in turn make you rather arrogant (Ooo complicated aye haha). However, I think arrogance comes from the belief that you can't get things wrong sometimes.

What if that arrogance was cemented by what you believed in, be it Christian, Muslim, Pagan or Druid. How would your beliefs influence your actions and responses to other people if you deemed them inferior or miss led.

So here it is then, look in the mirror and tell yourself you have the power to do what ever you want. That you are divinely blessed. That you can do no wrong. But for the love of god please include that you will be humble and compassionate. That you will be tolerant and understanding.

Mirror magick has the potential to change your life if you take the time to look at who is staring back at you, just be careful not to feel that you don't really know the person on the other side. We aren't always who we think we are but we do have the power to change it. Break the model and keep moving forward :o)

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