Saturday 31 August 2013

Walking in the dark

It's been a big subject lately for me, the use of dark energy. A few of my friends have experience in that field however I am a lot less experienced. But last night I was walking home at 10 at night and I began to think about it.
What is dark energy, where does it come from?? I understand light energy and have an idea of where it comes from and what it it consists of but dark is different, maybe opposite. It made me think of something I saw on a science documentary about dark matter and dark energy and I thought why don't I try and pull that to me while I walk home (in the dark.......on my own haha).

Now how the hell do I do that? I was thinking to my self as I began the 2 mile stroll. First I need to identify the energy I am looking for, then I need to learn what it feels like before I can draw it in and then direct it through intention. So this was the tricky bit. How do you see something like dark energy? According to the science it does not interact with light at all and is unhindered by mater, I think that has something to do with dark energy being part of everything as light energy is.

I let my mind empty as I walked alone in the dark. I tried to just view the world in darkness and see with my heart like a sonar that could show my eyes what was really there, I watched as the cars whizzed past and left ripples in the dark energy all around. It was as if there was an inky mist in everything that was disturbed when you moved through it. I saw colours as the energy reset to how it was after being disturbed. I thought to myself "Right!!" so now I know what you look like, what do you feel like??

I began to mentally tug at the image in my mind and pull at the energy around me. It was hard. At first I felt the lights of the people and things around me then it expanded to the light of distant objects then the stars. I had spent years programming my senses to feel the light in things, the energy that I was so familiar with was hard to ignore but then I was walking through a dark alley of bushes and felt it.

Cold so very very cold, but not in a physical way but like something that is just silent and still. I began to tug at it and it began to move and settle around me on my aura ( I had set up some protection so I wouldn't invite any nasties in haha.) It had made no difference to the area around me as it moved silently through matter and unhindered by light. Dark energy was out there and it was in abundance. I pulled and pulled until it was thick around me and basked in its flow for a while. There was a feeling of excitement and awe as I knew what I was doing was awesome and new but it was also humbling, there was a feeling of appreciation for this new power and strength that I had found. I was aware of a different way.

I slowly began to release my grip on the energy after feeling it for a while and becoming familiar. It reminded me of my beloved fair folk who live in 2 worlds. They relish the dark and understand it just as much as they understand the light. Some more than others. I thought about how the world we live on is multi dimensional and how if we just explored carefully we would be able to find out so much more about ourselves and the beings that are out there.
I bet some of you are thinking Ohhhhhh you have to  be careful, so here it is. Yes be careful but no.....don't be afraid or over cautious. No one ever explored anywhere without having some element of danger follow them, NO ONE. So go and explore different energy and claim it for your self, work with it as your own power source and become a master in your own right. Just don't get carried away and be safe.

Power can run away with all of us, I only touched a new source of it yesterday and I'm still buzzing. Blessed Be guys and take it easy.

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